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My Inspiration, Ustadz Adi Hidayat

Biography of Ustadz Adi Hidayat

Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Lc, MA was born on September 11, 1984 in Pendeglang, Banten. His father's name was Warso Supena and his mother's name was Hj. Rafiah Akhyar. Adi Hidayat has 4 siblings.


Ustadz Adi Hidayat received his early education at Pertiwi Pandeglang Kindergarten in 1989. After that, his parents put him in SDN Karaton 3 Pandeglang up to grade 3 elementary school.

In grade 4 elementary school, Adi Hidayat moved to SDN III Pandeglang until he graduated from elementary school. As a child, Adi Hidayat was an intelligent student.

Dream of Meeting the Prophet Muhammad

Evidently he made it into the superior class in the school in Pandeglang district. In Biography Ustadz Adi Hidayat, as reported by, Adi Hidayat was actually going to enter the flagship school at SMP 1 Pandeglang, Banten.

But because he told his dream of meeting the Messenger of Allāh kepada to his parents, his parents then put their children in a religious school.

Adi Hidayat finally continued his education to Madarasah Salafiyyah Sanusiyyah Pandeglang. Here Adi Hidayat is known as an outstanding student who had been a small lecturer when graduating students.

After completing Madrasah, Adi Hidayat continued his education at Darul Arqam Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyyah Garut in 1997.

In this boarding school, Adi Hidayat gained much in-depth religious knowledge and other knowledge. At this boarding school Adi Hidayat also won a number of achievements. He graduated with the title Santri Exemplary.

Lecture at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

His brilliant achievements made him accepted into the PMDK path at the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyyah (FDI) in 2003.

Studied at the Kuliyya Dakwah Islamiyyah of Libya

But two years later, precisely in 2005, Adi Hidayat had the opportunity to continue his education at Kuliyya Dakwah Islamiyyah in Tripoli, Libya.

In Libya, Adi Hidayat is very intensive in learning about Islam starting from al-Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, Date, Lughah and others.

He also deepened the meaning of the Qur'an and Hadith by taking a special program called Lughah Arabiyyah wa Adabuha.

Study various Shaykhs

In the Biography of Ustadz Adi Hidayat, as reported by, Ustadz Adi Hidayat also has a lot of questions or study about the Koran with the scholars or Shaykhs he met in Libya and other countries he had visited.

Shaykh Dukkali Muhammad al-Aleim (international muqri), Shaykh Ali al-Liibiy (Libyan Imam for Europe), Shaykh Ali Ahmar Nigeria (history of warsy), Shaykh Ali Tanzania (ad-Duri history) taught Adi Hidayat about the Koran.

While Shaykh Usamah from Libya taught him the science of recitation. The Shaykh Tanthawi Jauhari (Grand Shaykh al-Azhar) and Dr. Bajiqni (Libya) taught Adi Hidayat about interpretation.

Dr. Shiddiq Basyr Nashr (Libya) describes it in the science of hadith. And Shaykh ar-Rabithi (Libyan mufti) and Shaykh Wahbah az-Zuhaili (Syrian Ulema) taught him about the science of fiqh and ushul fiqh.

Regarding linguistics, Adi Hidayat obtained it from Shaykh Abdul Lathif as-Syuwairif (World Language Expert, member of Majma 'al-Lughah), Dr. Muhammad Djibran (Language and Literature Expert), Dr. Abdullâh Ustha (Expert Nahwu and Sharaf), Dr. Budairi al-Azhari (Arudh science expert), as well as other community members. and science, he obtained from Ust. Ammar al-Liibiy (Libyan historian).

At the end of 2009, Adi Hidayat was appointed as the chairperson of the Islamic Pilgrimage Board of Dakwah Islamiyyah Tripoli or called amînul khutabâ. With this position, Adi Hidayat has the right to determine the preachers and fillers in the Da'wah Islamic Mosque in Tripoli, Libya.

While studying in Tripoli, Libya, Ustadz Adi Hidayat completed his undergraduate education in a period of 2.5 years. And he completed his postgraduate level within 2 years at the Islamic Call College in Tripoli, Libya. He is also active on the Libyan at-tawâshul TV channel on the tsaqafah Islâmiyyah program.

Return to Indonesia

After nearly 6 years in Libya, Adi Hidayat then returned to Indonesia and succeeded in bringing with him the title of L.c (License), a bachelor's degree in the Middle East region.

In Indonesia, Ustadz Adi Hidayat later became a nanny for the al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School in Lebak Bulus, Banten. After that in 2013, Ustadz Adi Hidayat founded the Quantum Akhyar Institute, an Islamic guidance and study institute in Bekasi, West Java. He also continued his master's education at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University in Bandung.

He also memorized quran and hadits with number of verses, pages, and even tafsir.

Source :


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